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National Freedman's Relief Association,

REV. W.G. HAWKINS, Cor. Sec. & Sec. Teachers' Committee.
E.C. ESTES, Sec. of Executive Committee & Business Agent.
Rev. JAMES J. WOOLSEY, Sec. of Finance Committee, to whom letters in respect to Agents should be addressed.

Boxes of clothing should be marked N. F. R. A., 76 John Street, New York. Mark, also, on each box or barrel, the name of the place whence it is sent, and the name of the person sending it. Send a List of its contents in each package, and a copy of the same, by mail, to E.C. ESTES, Business Agent.

Money should be sent, in Bank Checks or Drafts, payable to JOSEPH B. COLLINS, Treasurer, 40 Wall Street, New York; and all Letters relating to the business of the Association, should be addressed to the appropriate Officers in their official capacity; while private letters should be endorsed "Personal."

New York May 31st, 1865

Capt. O. Brown
Commissioner &c

My Dear Sir.

The bearer Rev James M. Gloucester, goes to Petersburg Va in company with one or two Teachers from here, to supply several schools already started by him, in the [[strikethrough]] basement of [[/strikethrough]] colored churches.

I saw Gen Hartsuff who expressed himself pleased with Mr Gloucesters labors & would issue rations to 6 or 8 Teachers We send colored Teachers now, as they are to teach & remain [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] during the summer. Now I trust this whole matter is in good hands and under your direction.

Our desire is to let these colored people help themselves wherever they can. This teacher has taught ten.

I must write you in a day or two in reference to matters in which you are much interested.

Very truly your
Wm Geo Hawkins
Cor. Sec.

Transcription Notes:
Unclear: expressed himself [[?]] with Mr ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-12 16:20:59