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no children of suitable age to attend school except non-residents about the streets; all truants being brought in by personal solicitation of Missionaries, Teachers, and a police force, detailed for this purpose, from among the larger boys of the schools.
4", A large school house so located as to accommodate Hampton and Fortress Monroe also of a capacity to seat more than six hundred scholars, was built by the Government, and a Govt school commenced in it Feb 1st 1865, when a requisition was made under military authority, and against the wishes of our Teachers, for 100 of the best boys, to be detailed from the Mission Schools in Hampton, to attend the Govt School.  March the 6th another order was issued by Col [[Coughlin?]] [[Prv?]] Marshal for 136 boys to be detailed from the same Mission schools, in Hampton, to attend the Govt School.  These were, in like manner, detailed from other schools in the vicinity and under the Care of the Association about 200 boys more, making in all about 436 of the best pupils taken from the Mission Schools, contrary, we believe, to their best interests and without authority from Government.
Owing to the extreme reluctance of these pupils to leave the Mission Schools and the want  [[of system?]].