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This I can do by permission of the Military Authorities, or by a Spec. Order from the War Department.
In addition to the large amount of Printing Material I have on hand, I shall have in a few days, direct from New York, one "leased & Bill-Head" Press, the very latest improvement on Printing Presses. It will print any kind of blank from a Small styled ticket to a half Sheet letter blank, from five to ten thousand per day.  I am also filling out an Order for 20 or 30 fonts of Fancy types of the lastest Styles.
I enclose a Recommendation from two Gentlemen with whom you are well acquainted.  
If you Should See fit to Station the Office in this City, I will endeavor to furnish the Office Rooms required.  In that case I should make arrangements that Packages of Printing from any office in the State would be expeditiously forwarded to me free of expense to the Freedmen's Bureau.  
To condense the proposal, it is this:  If you Should appoint me to execute the duties requested, I hereby Agree, that for, and in
consideration of the Sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars {$250} per month, to fulfil, that which I propose in the following "Articles of Agreement."

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of the word "leased" "F" in fonts similar to the capitol "F" in "Freedmen's"