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The Commonwealth of Virginia,
Richmond, Aug 12th 1865.

Mr Pullen will hand you this note, he resides in Norfolk; has property there that is now in his posession, and the agents of the Freedman's Bureau, are demanding from the tenants, rent.
This is all wrong, the Freedmans Bureau has no claim on Pullens property for rent. United States government officers had for a time, his property in posession, but it was a wrongful posession. Major Morse, when he took it, knew it was a wrongful posession. The Agents of the government never have had a rightful or legal posession under the law, and Mr Pullen, ought not to be annoyed further about the property. 
I know all about this property, from its first posession by Morse, up to the time the papers were made up in the Treasury Department for its delivery to Mr Pullen. I worked on it off and on, for six months and convinced Mr Riseley and the law advisor of the Secretary of the Treasury