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Ass't Pro. Marshall and Ass't Supt. of Negro Affairs, of said district.

IV. York County shall constitute Sub District No. 4.

Capt. E. W. Coffin is hereby appointed Ass't Pro. Marshall and Ass't Supt. of Negro Affairs of said District.

V. That portion of James City County not included in Sub District No. 3. together with the County of New Kent shall constitute Sub District No. 5.

Capt. John D. Lee, is hereby appointed Asst Pro. Marshall, and Asst Supt. of Negro Affairs of said District

VI. Gloucester County shall constitute Sub District No. 6

VII. Matthews County shall constitute Sub District No. 7.

VIII. Until otherwise ordered, the commanding officers of Detachments in Sub Districts No. 6 and 7 will perform the duties of Asst. Pro: Marshalls and Ass't Supt. Of Negro Affairs.

IX. The reports of Ass't Supts. of Negro Affairs for Sub Districts will be transmitted through Capt. E.W. Coffin Sup't of Negro Affairs, for the Peninsula District to these Head Quarters.