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It seems to me that a very large number of freedmen will locate in Fairfax and the adjoining counties and if you will need assistance in that section of Virginia I would be glad to assist you there.

About two years residence in Fairfax with the position and duties of Provost Marshal of the triangular district between the O. & A. and Manassas Gap R.R's, the Blue Ridge and the Potomac, has thoroughly acquainted me with most of the country and with all the inhabitants.

I am not particular about the nature of the work I do. Anything businesslike. requiring activity, connected with Freedman's Bureau would suit me. 

To tell you who I am and the interest with which I should engage in the work I can obtain letters to you from Governor Andrew, Senator Sumner, Senator Wilson, Frans Geo. Shaw Esq. of New York, or almost any of the Representatives to Congress from Massachusetts.

Will you please to inform me whether you know any position connected with the Bureau, in the State of Virginia, which I, by proper steps, might obtain. If so will you be so kind as to state the nature of it and correct course in applying therefor.

Very respectfully, your ob't. serv't.
Henry E. Alvord.
Captain. 2d Mass. Cavalry.
Address: via. Washington, D.C.

Capt. O. Brown.
Com'r. of Freedmen for Virginia.

Transcription Notes:
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