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War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Washington June 22d, 1865.

Col. O. Brown-
Asst. Commr. Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, &c_ for Virginia.

Col_ The Commissioner of the Bureau desires that you bring the Schools at, and in the vicinity of Fortress Monroe under the supervision of a single Society, if possible. As the American Missionary Association is the only Society that is conducting Schools there it is better that they be all brought under its supervision.
The School house known as "Government School House" may be used by this Association, to be occupied as designed by Maj. Genl Butler, that is, for the purpose of an Advanced School for boys & girls. This change though, not to take place until after the close of the present term.
Please afford the Officers of said Association all of the assistance you can so that they may procure proper teachers &c.

Very Respfy_
Your obt. sevt
J. S. Fullerton

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