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War Department
Bureau of Refugees &c
Washington Aug 22/65
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr &c at Richmond Va for such action as may be deemed advisable and Miss Tabb so informed.
By order of
Maj Genl Howard
Saml L Taggart
Asst Adjt General

Hd Qrs Bureau RF&AL
Richmond Va, 25 Augt 1865
Respectfully referred to Captain C.B. Wilder AQM &c for his information he will please take such action in the matter as is just. This paper to be returned with his action noted thereon.
O Brown
Col and Asst Comr
Recd Hd Qrs Asst Comr &c 25 Aug/65

Office Supt RF&AL
9th Dist State of Virginia
Aug. 28th 1865
Respectfully referred to W.H. Bergfels, Asst Supt RF&AL for Matthews Co. for a full investigation and report.
C.B. Wilder
Capt & AQM
Supt Dist No 9

Recd Office Supt &c Aug 28th/65 & ford.

Office Supt 9th Dist
Fort Monroe, Va. Sept 27th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown, Asst Comr State of Virginia. Enclosed find report of W.H. Bergfels, Asst Supt. R.&c Matthews Co. Va. of the 7th inst in the case of Miss Sally Tabb together with the following report of action taken of the 25th inst which I have approved.
"In the case of Miss Sally V.B. Tabb, I have the honor to report the following action
1st The servants remain unmolested until Jan. 1st 1866
2d That those who are at work in the crop, house, or otherwise, receive the same rations of corn, or meal, bacon