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nearly or quite 200 acres of of corn ready to be gathered next month; she has sold 100 bushels of wheat since writing to Gen Howard; she has on hand unthrashed about 500 bushels of oats but ready wheat & corn hardly enough for one more allowance:  I found none of them insolent or idle but all express a willingness to work as soon as I assured them that they would not be cast off without proper remuneration.
Those who have left her furiously return merely to see their relatives who remain, and not as I understand it to draw others away, as she being so anxious to get clear of them would let them go and be thankful to those who came and took them off her hands.
They have repeatedly asked her about wages but getting no satisfaction and only the heads of families; and of those only such as marked in the cook [[?]] house or kitchen drawing rations which consists of 1 peck of meat & 3 lbs of bacon for an adult for one week  Children's rations were but 1/2 a peck of meat a week no meat but for some time they have been out off, and in many families only one member draws any rations at all.  they were therefor forced to stop [[?]] work sometimes and go oystering or fishing to provide something for their family this was precisely the case with the young man her garnder; whom she complains of:  she cut-off his mother who then told her that she must have wages for her children, or she would be forced to put them to other employment, and on Mifs Tobbs refusal to pay wages the young man went oystering , and I am puzzled to know what else he 

Transcription Notes:
nisolent - I think the writer transposed the "n" and "i" and meant to write "insolent" - second review: disagree, looks like the dot is over the first letter to me