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Office Supt. R.F. & A.L.
9th Dist. Fort Monroe, Va.
August 31st, 1865.

Col. O. Brown,
Asst. Comr. B.R.F. & A.L.
Richmond, Va.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of an order from Maj. Genl. Howard, a copy of which I herewith enclosed and very respectfully ask if it includes all personal property left upon the farms - stock, tools, furniture, wood &c. - taken in charge by order of the Sec. of War, during the last three years, and now scattered about, principally in the hands of the colored people, and much worn? or does it only mean, such property as was taken up by the Treasury Agents, and turned over to, or came into the care of the "Department of Negro Affairs," in some way?

We have found no Treasury Agents in this District, and can hear of none.
