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Windsor 21st Aug. 1865

His Excellency
Andrew Johnson Pres. of the U.S.

I venture from an acquaintance formed with you in Washington City, whilst we were both members of the House of Reps. extending through a period of six years, and subsequently renewed in Nashville, whilst you were Gov. of Tennessee, to introduce to your acquaintance Peter Hanneberry of Norfolk, Va. and to make the statement which follows. Most of the facts which I shall stay are personally known to me, and those which are not I believe to be strictly true.

When the late rebellion commenced Mr. H. was a resident of Norfolk, to which city he had removed from this place. He remained there after the place was evacuated by the Confederates, and occupied by the forces of the United States. Sometime thereafter the health of his wife being very bad, and his own health bad, he obtained a pass from the Commandant of that post, to come

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