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and Continued Loyalty to the Government.  Your petitioner would here state, that his position as a loyal man was well known, and fully recognized in this City, up to the time of its occupation by the United States Troops, your petitioner not having voted for the Ordinance of Secession, nor taken any part in any act of rebellion against the United States.

Upon the arrival of your petition at the Keteral Springs he was arrested by one of the detectives of the state government, carried to Raleigh N C, charged with being a Union Man, imprisoned, and finally released upon his bond & parole, not to leave the lines of the so called Confederate States without permission from the authorities, and of their being convinced of his loyalty to their government.

Upon leaving Norfolk, your petitioner did not abandon his property, but left it in the hands of his agent, David Ferguson; not intending to remain in North Carolina, but fully intending to return to Norfolk as soon as his health permitted; and your petitioner would have returned