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which the writer does wish to call the attention of the state and national authorities - This grievance only needs to be mentioned to make its importance manifest to all, and to enlist the sympathies and entire cooperation of all good men, in making provision for its amelioration and [guess] relief [/guess] - I allude to the sickness and suffering that must necessarily occur to these colored laborers and their families who being without homes of their own, without [?] [?] and without natural or legal protectors are called upon thus unprepared to endure all the [?] of abject poverty and the bitter agonies of a neglected sick bed - They must suffer, languish and die unless the Government in its beneficence shall organize some plan for the establishing [?] in the city for the [guess] exception [/guess] and treatment of those without  families or homes and for furnishing food medical attendance and medicine for those having homes, but without the means of providing for their wants - Physicians of undoubted ability and enlarged benevolence should be selected for this praiseworthy [?] thing - It would doubtless be desired by the colored people and most of their interest that these medical gentlemen should be taken from those of the profession who have been [?] among them and by thorough knowledge of their character, their wants and deficiencies, as well as the best mode of preventing and treating the diseases to which they are most subject and who