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To accomplish the laudable objects in view the suggestion is ventured that the City be divided geographically into two Districts with a properly furnished Infirmary in each District, to be equipped with competent medical officers, nurses and other necessary attendants. To each Infirmary should be added a Supply Department for the sick of the District - all to be placed under the charge of an experienced medical man to be appointed by the Governor to report to him and to act under the orders of the Governor.

It is believed such an Institution would provide for the present emergency and under vigilant and kind management would abundantly bless the poor and suffering alluded to.

It would also protect the community from liability to contagious disease which in event of its prevalence might otherwise be introduced into all families in which these laborers serve.

Should this proposition be favorably received and acted upon by our authorities and especially should the enterprise succeed its benefits will doubtless be extended to the other Southern communities.

Respectfully submitted
E.H. Smith M.D.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-22 11:38:11 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-22 11:49:43