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The place is dificult of access, and for this reason inconvenient for taking the sick there, and, also, for taking their Hospital Supplies.

These are now drawn over a bad road from Petersburg, which will be difirent when the roads are worse.  Taking all things into account, it seems to me desirable to remove the Hospital from that point, and there is the more reason for it, from the fact that the farm now attached is given up, or about to be, which in my opinion, would render it, injudicious to lay out any considerable amount of money, then in repairs.

It might be moved to City Point.  There are buildings there, which can be put in repair at much less expense, than at Point of Rocks.  Water and wood are more abundant there, and accessible, at reduced prices.

But although the expenses of fitting up buildings at City Point would be less than at Point of Rocks, and the expenses of running the Hospital would be much less, there are some objections to City Point. The expenses would be considerable for putting the buildings in order.  

There possibly may be some doubt in regard to the healthfulness of the locality, although I have to obtain evidence that such is the fact.

Taking all things into consideration, I think it better to have it there then remain where it is and lay out the large amount that will be necessary