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Office Asst. Supt. R. F. and A. L.
Eastern Shore of Va.
Eastville, July 19th/65


Mr. Myers W. Fisher, owning four farms in this county now in the possession of the Freedmen's Bureau has gone to Richmond for the purpose of recovering them.  In order that his political status and influence may not be misrepresented I send you a few facts connected to his history.
In 1861 he was a violent advocate of secession, and being sent to the Convention, voted for that ordinance; on the approach of our troops he crossed the bay, remaining within the rebel lines until the close of the war.
Since his return he sued a negro for the use of a horse and carriage, which was seized by military authority in 1861, and with which the colored man had nothing to do beyond driving it as the servant of the officer using it. The court returned judgement in Fisher's favor, but payment was of course stopped, as it will be in all such oppressive transactions. In many other more trifling matters, Mr. F. has conducted himself since his return not as one ready & willing to support the Govt. he failed to destroy, but continues to show his bitterness in his oppression to the colored race, and by those many little actions which too little to be noticed, speak louder 

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