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[[7 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Wm H. Stallion |   |   |   |   |   |    

| Benjamin Joynes By next friend Edward Joynes vs. Wm H. Stallion } | July 20th 1865. | Action for recovery of wages. |   | Judgmt for Plff for $7 50/100 Dfdt pay Costs $1 50/100  |   |   |

| Peter Blake | July 20th/65 | Selling Liquor to Soldiers contrary to Gen'l Order No 8. C.S.  | Not Guilty | To pay a fine of $40 00 | 40. | 00 ]

| Ann Walke vs Richard. M. Clarke. } | July 21st 65. | Action for recovery of wages | Assumpsit |  Judg'mt for Plaintiff for $1 45/100 Dfdt to pay costs $1 00 | 1. | 00 |

| John Truman | July 21st/65 | Petit Larceny. | Guilty. | Thirty-day's on Bread & water; Solitary confinement City-Jail N'fk |   |   |

| Cary Brinkley | July 21st/65 | Petit Larceny. Aiding & abetting | Guilty | Thirty days on Bread & water; Solitary confinement City Jail N'fk |   |   |

| Ellen. Forbes. | July 21st/65 | Rec'g stolen goods, knowing the same to be stolen. | Not-guilty | Acquitted & Prisoner Discharged |   |   |

| Lydia Pritchard | July 21st/65 | Rec'g stolen goods, knowing the same to be stolen/ | Not-guilty | Acquitted & Prisoner Discharged |   |   |

| Harriet Brut. | July 21st/65 | Rec'g stolen goods, knowing the same to be stolen. | Not-guilty | Acquitted & Prisoner Discharged |   |   |

| Richard Manning vs Jolin Francis, ) | July 21st/65. | Action for Recov'y of money lent. | Assumpsit | Judg'mt for Pl'ff $73 00 Df'dt to pay costs $1 50/100. |   |   |

| Abraham Felius, vs Joseph Shephard ) | July 21st 65. | Action for recovery of money due. |   | Case adjourned till July 28th 65. |   |   |

| Lovey Wiggin vs James Wilson } | July 21st 65. | Action for recovery of money due | Assumpsit | Judg'mt for Plaintiff for $38 37/100 Df'dt to pay costs $1 50/100. |   |   |

| Fred'k Miller | July 21st 65. |Petit Larceny. | Guilty | Thirty days hard. labor in Hard Labor Prison. |   |   |

| Priscilla S. White vs. Lucy Cuffee, Jane Wilkins, Sara Whitehurst } | July 22/65 | Action for recovery of lease-hold property. |   | Dfdts to leave Premises by Aug'st 2d 65 Plaintiff to pay costs #1 50/100. |   |   |

| James Smith  George. Ely } | July 22d 65. | Selling Liqour to Soldiers contrary to Genl order No 8. C.S. | Not Guilty | Accquitted_ Prisoner's Discharged.  |   |   |

| Samuel. Wynn | July 22d 65. | Petit Larceny. | Guilty | Fifteen days, hard labor in Hard Labor Prison |   |   |

| Terry Baker. | July 22d 65. | Selling Liquor to Soldiers in violation of Genl order No 8 C.S. | Not Guilty | To pay a fine of $25 00 | 25 | 00 |

| Ruddick Faulke. vs. Willis Wilder } | July 22d 65. | Action for recovery of wages. | Non Assumpsit | No cause for action. |   |   |
[[/7 columned table]]

Total Amt paid in_.  $99 50

I certify, that, the above. is a correct account of the Business of this Court, Norfolk. Va for the week ending July 22d 1865,

Moses Stevens
Capt 6th NY Artillery Etc,

Transcription Notes:
Continued from previous pages. Noted: squiggled ve, vs or vP between names listed is logically a script of "Vs." given these court cases listed. Moving some lines together that are connected this way, missing the } bracket, but are meant to be linked. Ie. Ann Walke vs. RIchard M. Clarke ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-24 12:39:46