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several of the persons laboring upon the farm. In consequence of this intimidation and threat all the people except the helpless family of Eldridge Durden whose wife is very far advanced in pregnancy, abandoned their comfortable huts, during the night of the 5th inst.  and are now strolling through the country. 

About 75 acres of corn, were planted this spring, and worked by pauper labor, and the proceeds, of the crop if properly cared for during the growing season will more than pay the expense of supporting the people on the "Farm".

Beside supplying labor for tilling the land this "Farm" was a Depot [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] from which labor was supplied to the surrounding country and all able bodied persons as soon as they arrived, were provided both places, except Eldridge Durden who was needed to take charge of teams &c. The threats of this officer have therefore not only deprived the farm of its laboring force but broken up the Depot whence the neighboring

Transcription Notes:
inst = used frequently to indicate "of this month"...etc ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-18 08:30:31 first word completed to avoid trun-cation, last word completed from page 7