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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Office Supt Dist of the Nottoway.
Petersburg Va. June 30th 1865.

Col. O. Brown
Asst Com Va. 
Freedmens Bureau &c


Immediately on my return from Richmond Tuesday Evening, I reported to Genl Hartsuff Comd;  Dist Nottoway, with the request that the affairs, property, funds &c: pertaining to this Bureau be turned over to me. 

He has delayed doing so up to the present time, awaiting (he informed me) instructions from Dep't H'd Qrs. for which he has telegraphed. 

Until recognized by him, in order as the proper officer of this Bureau of course I cannot act. 

Very Respecfully Yr. Obdt Servant
Stuart Barnes 
Capt & A.Q.M.
Freedmens Bureau

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