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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands,
Office Sup't District of the Nottoway,
Petersburg, Va., July 9th 1865
P.J. Evans
A.A.A. Gen'l
Having visited Point of Rocks Hospital I have the honor to report the following condition of affairs explanatory of the requisition enclosed herewith. Some 2000 potato plants on hand, which should be put in at once ploughs needed therefore. Two good mules on hand, but no carts or harness, of course unserviceable without. Some one hundred (including about fifty sent from this city today) sick, old, and enfeebled negroes without bedding and covered with rags. Some provision of clothing and bedding necessary at once else increased sickness & great suffering will follow. Please forward at once or direct me how to procure the articles needed.
I have the honor to be
Yours Respectfully,
Stuart Barnes
Capt. AQM
Supt Dist of the Nottoway