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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands,
Office Sup't District of the Nottoway,
Petersburg, Va., July 21st 1865.

Major J.M. Howard
Asst Adjt General
Dist of the Nottoway


I have the honor to make the following request.-

1st  In all cases of the arrest of Negroes by the Military Authorities for the violation of Laws, Military or Civil, that the Provost Marshall or other officers before whom such case is to be heard, notify the Asst Supt of this Bureau for the county or District in which such case is to be tried, The time of the hearing thereof that he may appear as Counsel for the Freedmen,

2d  That fines imposed on offenders, arising from or in any way pertaining to the Freedmen be turned over to the officers of this Bureau, for the benefit of the Freedmen

This is not intended in any manner whatever, to interfere with the Military Authorities in the arrest

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-18 14:26:41