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Head Quarters. District of the Nottoway
Petersburg Va. July 22d 1865.


In all cases of the arrest of Negroes, by the Military Authorities for the violation of Law Military, or Civil, the Provost Marshal or other persons before whom such case is to be heard will notify the Sub Superintendent of the Freedmens Bureau, for the County or District in which such case is to be tried, and the time of hearing thereof, that he, the Sub Superintendent, may appear as Counsel for the Freedmen,

Fines imposed on offenders arrising from or in any way pertaining to the Freedmen will be turned over to the Officers of that Bureau, for the Benefit of the Freedmen,

By Command of
Maj Gen'l Hartsuff
(Signed) Geo. A. Hicks
Asst Adjt Gen'l

Official Copy

Stuart Barnes
Capt & A.QM
Supt Dist of the Nottoway

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