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will be made fully available, & for the highest uses - even to enlarging the area & process of production, by setting free a vast extent of the most fertile soils, now imprisoned or inert. Should several of the works be carried on simultaneously, as above suggested, the laborers would be gathered in detachments. Their families might live in cantonments near; in which case, the aged and less robust men, & the women might be employed on farms or vegetable gardens, which would aid in furnishing supplies to the laborers on the public works, portions of the reclaimed land, in some cases, being assigned them for the purpose. To assist in the construction of such gigantic works of art, with the most approved tools & appliances, & under the guidance of Engineers who will bring to bear the best lights of their profession, will be to the Blacks a most important discipline, important, not only to themselves, & to us in its immediate results, but, as may presently appear for ulterior purposes yet to be developed. 

To show the necessity for action of some kind, we have but to repeat, that the case is like soon to become urgent. To prevent great & immediate suffering something must be done & speedily. For this and I am not aware that any thing better has been publicly [[strikethrough]] proposed [[/strikethrough]] suggested than works such as are proposed above. — And these may suffice to avert the present danger.  But a greater & more formidable peril appears in the distance, which we must ere long meet, & which we would do well to consider before it approaches too near.

It is a vulgar error to suppose that the white man cannot engage in the labors of the field under our Southern states. This is a fallacy reputed by every day' observation & experience. White men can work — have worked here, since the settlement of the Colonies; & the number of such will be increased with multiplication of landed proprietors and tenants. Why should they not? The climate is not more sultry than that of Spain-Italy-Greece-Asia Minor-Palestine-Persia; in all of which white men have tilled the soil from time immemorial. We should infer a priori that ours would be more favorable for his labours than any of those territories. The sea breeze, which moderates the heat of the coast, is stronger & penetrates farther inland; & where its influence ceases, the land itself begins gradually to ascend to a higher level & purer air. The country moreover, which once was covered with a dense forest, is now partially cleared by the labours of the Black Race -

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-22 10:32:27 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-22 22:20:17 cantonment = a military camp or garrison ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-23 18:12:52