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Buckingham County, Va
Feb, 20th 1866

Gen : Terry

Some six months ago; two commissioners was elected, one by the white men and one by the freedmen as members of what is called the Freedmen's Bureau. The whites elected Dr Daverson and the black people elected Mr. William Puryear, both living at Maysville, Buckingham.  As commissioner Dr. D has given general satisfaction, and I wish I could say the same of Mr William Puryear.  But this I cant say with truth.  I am no enemy of his, have seen him 3 or 4 times, but dont know him, except by character.  Before the war, he used to buy and sell negroes to make a living, and men who followed this business were never much respected.  The white people of this county was supprised that the freedmen would have elected a man who had never shown that he had any regard for them, but they say that he electioneered with them and told them he would see that they got high wages and all that they wanted.  Well, by begging & coaxing, he was elected by the freed negroes who thought he was going to be their friend and protector.
We white people dont know whether these county commissioners are paid by the government or not, but we hear that they are not allowed by law to make any charge against the freedmen or white folks, or receive any meat, corn, money or any thing, in the way of presents, for & on account of their services as commissioner.  I dont know yet what the government allows or what you allow, but I think it aint right for you to allow Mr Puryear or any 

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