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from the back yard without going through the prisoners room. Yesterday I accused the prisoner of taking the money and at first she denied it. I then proposed going for a policeman when she owned that she took the money and gave it to a man named William, whom she did not know. I was perfectly sober when I went to bed.  I am a temperate man. I went to bed before any other member of my family retired.  
There was in my room besides my wife, four children, the oldest is eleven years of age.

Ms. Wilhemina Klevensahl being duly sworn, says, I am the wife of Mr Klevensahl. On Wednesday night last I locked the doors of my house. when I locked the doors Rose the accused, was in bed. The door leading into the yard was bolted on the inside

Broad Street
Barber shop|           |
           |           |
___________|Roses Room |
 Yard      | __________|_
           |Bed Room   | 

There is no other entrance to the yard except through the room in which Rose slept.  There was no other person in the house who would have taken the money. In the