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Hd Qrs. Asst Sub Asst Com'r 4th Div. 8th Sub Dist. Va
Salem, Roanoke Co. Va. May 11. 1867

Capt. G. Mallory A.A.A.G.
Hd Qrs. Asst Com'r State of Va


In compliance with your orders of the 3d inst I have the honor to submit the following report in the case of Simon P Calloway (Col'd) of Floyd Co. From Calloways statement it appears that he had engaged to deliver or sell his crop of tobacco to a man named Huff.

he delivered it according to Contract but Charles Huff (a son of the man to whom he had sold the tobacco) on the pretence that he had not delivered all of it came to his house at night and without warrant or permission searched the house; Huff was aided and accompanied by another white man; they used violence towards Calloways family; striking his daughter and abusing his wife; they took from the premises a gun. and powder flask and left word that when Calloway

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