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Washington D.C.
July 1, 1865

Your communication of the 24th ult. regarding my obtaining power to hold and disburse Gov't property has been received and I have conferred with Genl. Howard on the subject.

He desires me to say to you that he holds you immediately accountable for all affairs connected with the Bureau in Virginia receiving and disbursing property included. That you then may take such steps as you deem best for holding the officers under you responsible. If you deem bonded officers necessary to be safe, to secure yourself - very well, but if you allow an officer not bonded, or even a citizen to hold and disburse property under you, you can do so, - being still responsible for his acts.  To secure yourself you can take such steps as you deem necessary.

The simple fact that a person is an authorized agent of the Bureau is enough to allow him to be responsible for property provided his superior officer allowed it. But this of course can apply only to Bureau Property. 

Whether or not it will become necessary for me to