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Were it possible for me to do so I would remain and labor gratuitously until Congress provides for the employment of civilians - but I cannot afford it. I have not the means to do it. 

There is no work in the United States in which I feel so deep an interest, in which I desire so much to participate as in the work of this Bureau - and therefore it is with much sincere regret that I cease my connection with it. 

I thank you kindly for the interest you have taken in assisting me in my endeavors to remain in the service and under you, - and I trust that circumstances may yet allow me to resume duties in connection with the Bureau.

For the present however I must leave and as it must be so and my regiment is at Readville Mass. in daily expectation of being disbanded, it is of the greatest importance that I should go there at once.

On application of Gen'l. Howard, - Maj Gen'l. Angus, Comdg. Dept. of Washin. has detailed Lieut. Col. Marsh of the Veteran Reserve Corps to relieve me and he will do so tomorrow.

To save time it will be done without having the orders pass thro' you.

Transcription Notes:
Unclear: Comdg. Dept. of [[?]] has detailed ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-23 14:06:45 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-23 14:51:05