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War Department,
Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aban'd Lands
Washington, Sept, 26th 1865,
Capt. James I. Ferree,
Supt. 5th Dist. Va. Bu. R.F.& A.L.

Upon receipt of this communication you will please transmit to this office, all information in your possession, and all facts of which you are cognizant, bearing upon the case of Capt. George A Armes, (late Asst. Supt. in your District,) now being investigated by this Bureau, embodying the same in a detailed Report to the Commissioner of the Bureau.

By order of Gen. O. O. Howard,
Commissioner &c
(Signed) Max Woodhull
Col. and A.A. Genl. 
James J. Ferree
Supt. 5th Dist. Va.