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Drummond Town Virginia
July 27, 1866
Bt. Maj. G.H. French, Asst Supt etc.

Dear Sir:
According to your request that I should report if any more disturbance occurred at this place. I have the honor to inform you that the day after you left here, this same party called "Simmon Brown's Company" commenced plundering the colored people in the vicinity of Modest Town. Three men came here on Wednesday to inform you of it. They say it is the same company of men who have been at work on the Bayside, and judging from their statements, they have commenced in that section of the county with the determination to keep up the reputation they had gained in the vicinity of Woodstock. These three men were robbed of their arms, and they report that some fifty families have received a visit, and that they do not confine themselves to taking arms, but take money where ever they can find it, and even loots