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hogs, I sent a [[strikethrough]] man [[/strikethrough]] Guard, & arrested Mr Cable at once, at first Mr. C. denide [[denied]] ever seeing his hogs, but, I gave him to understand unless he agreed to pay the (Col) man for them he would have to be sent off, so he told every thing about them, & we settled it at once. (14th) had considerable Dispute with Mrs Kearny an Irish womman who keeps a whiskey shop in this villiage & is selling Liquor to [[?]] &c. I also went to Alexandria & Washington, to find out about that & Mr. Whites statements which they have made about me, &c. returned on the (15th) 17th. sent 4 men as a Guard & two teams up the County to Mr Triplets to get the rest of Hanne Runners Properity &c. Lt. Smithe of the V.R.C. reported the same day, but I could not turn over all Properity, to him untill the team returned. So he went to the City & returned on the 19th inst. & the 19th & the horses returned turned over all properity according to orders rec from your office. & have riden out with him & shown him a Portion of my district, (20th.) I started for Washington 21st. reported to your office, to see about a forge & tools &c. brought down, which Lt. Smith would not reciete for, which, afterwards turned in to Col. Lee AQM, in Alexandria, Va.

31. The last of the time have been makeing at my reports & settleing up my business connected with this B. I have the honor to close with the information that I had every thing redy to commence on the business of this Dist, & intended to send you a full report at the end of this month. My not having any blanks or help during last month is one reason for not sending in the reports, I have endeavored to make this Dist sustain it self, & would of course act with something ahead if I had carried out my plans. I have kept all the Freedmen