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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & A Lands
Hd Qrs Sixth District Va
Winchester Va Oct 28th 1865

Col. O. Brown, Asst Commr
Richmond Va

In relation to the newspaper report of "trouble between the freedmen and the land-owners of Clarke County" as mentioned in your letter of Oct 25th 1865, I have the honor to report that such trouble does not exist.

The "Herald" report is probably but the echo of the fact that before the Bureau occupied this field a meeting was held in Clarke County, and resolutions adopted to the effect that no servants should be employed without the consent of the former masters and the wages be held for the masters untill the "question" should be decided.

Their wages are now generally paid to and recieved by the able bodied freedman in that County, and the demand for labor greater than the supply.

I am Colonel
Very Respectfully Your obedient Servt
H. Stover How, Capt & AQM
Supt Sixth Dist Va