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188th Penna Vols. will be given me in his stead, and will prove I hope as able and efficient officer as Chaplain Smith. The 188th reached Danville last monday. It will be a great benefit to our Bureau to have officers independent of these charges which break up and interrupt our organizations for several weeks. The 188th Regt is now the only garrison in my district and will I trust remain permanently. In Amherst County there is a reported division among the blacks: part are "secesh" part union and it seems that the "secesh" led by their colored ministers are the stronger party. One of the colored deligates to the late Alexandria Convention living in Amherst reports his life in danger, not only from the whites but from the "secesh" blacks. I have ordered investigation and will report the facts. In Lynchburg exhorbitant rents give the colored people great trouble and will result in the ejectment of hundreds if civil law has full sway. I find I can with present means make no arrangements for the housing of a tithe of those who will be ejected for not paying these high rents. In the whole district the presence of the Assist Superintendents seems to have greatly improved the labors of the freedmen as there is a daily decrease of complaints. 

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
R. S. Lacey Capt &

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-24 18:47:58