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Bureau of R. F. & A. L. Office Supt 7th Dist Va.
Lynchburg, Va.  August 30th 1865

In reply to your telegram of today, I have the honor to state that I have no Bureau property except what was turned over to me by the Treas. Agent, a report of which was forwarded to you some time ago.
This Report and my Q. M. Return cover all the property under my control.
There are no lands or buildings belonging to the Bureau.  My Office and the hospital are in private buildings, which had been hired and used by the Rebel Govt as hospitals, and I am occupying them merely by sufferance.
The Confed. Govt. Hospital is occupied by the military, and has not been turned over to me.  As soon as it is, I shall take it up.
My August Bureau report will show all the buildings, or other property taken during the month.
Very respectfully your obed servt
R. S. Lacey
Capt & Supt

Col O. Brown
Asst Coms.