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Bureau of R. F & A L
Office Supt 7th Dist Va
Lynchburg, Va Sept 4th 1865

I have the honor to forward here with my monthly Report of Lands &c., for the month of August 1865.
In the Suburbs of Lynchburg are eleven (11) large rough board buildings erected for hospitals by the rebel Government, with appurtenances complete, which are occupied by troops at present. Six (6) or more of these will be given me when I desire them.
In addition to the above are three (3) rough board buildings, also erected by the rebel Govt for Smallpox hospitals, these I have taken possession of to day, and will after proper cleaning and fumigation occupy with  freedmen awaiting transportation
Very respectfully
Your obedt servt
R. S. Lacey
Capt & Supt

Col O. Brown
Asst. Com'r