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Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Richmond Va
Sept 9th 1865.

Scott H.B.
Lt Col & Ins Gen'l

Calls attention of Capt Lacy A.Q.M. & Supt to the case of a Negro Boy at Liberty C.H. being tied up by the thumbs, and afterwards having a ball and chain attached to his leg, which he was not allowed to carry when he walked, but made to drag it after him &c &c.

E.B. 2-7

Supdts Office
Lynchburg Va
Sept 11/65

Respectfully referred to Lt H. Cooper A.P.M & A. Supdt at Liberty for report. Return this letter with desired report 

R.S. Lacey
Capt & Supdt

Supdt's Office 7'. Dist Va
Lynchburg, Va Sept 16/65

Respectfully returned to Col O Brown. Attention invited to enclosed report of the Asst Supt. of Liberty.

R.S. Lacey
Capt & A.Q.M.