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Office Supt. R. F. & A. L.
9th District Va.
Fort Monroe Sept. 2/65

Col. O. Brown
Asst. Com. R.F. & A. Lands,

Col.  I have the honor to report, in obedience to your request to confer with Gen. Miles in regard to a suitable person to be appointed Provost Judge for this District that I have had the conference and I concur in the suggestion of the General and nominate Capt. T.A. Blake 3rd Penn. Art. now stationed I learn at Williamsburg.. He is reported to me as a very fine Officer, through a little Coppery.

I think he will do well under the orders of your Department.

I have the honor to be very 
Resptfully Your Obt. Servt.
C.B. Wilder Capt.
A.Q.M. & Supt. D. As G,