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Copy of a/c rendered Capt A.S. Flagg AQM
Supt RF & AL Dis No 1 Va 

Report of lumber sawed at Govt Mills under contract with Bureau of R.F. and AL Dist No 1 Va for the month of August

1505 Logs measuring 297.372 feet
Cutting Logs @ 10c Ea   $150.50
Drawing Logs @ 30c  Ea  451.50
Stumpage @ 1$ pr M  297.37
Use of Mills @ 1$ pr M 297.37
Piling & Counting @ 30c pr M 89.20
Sept 3rd 1865    $1285.94

W.H. Hunt

Capt CB Wilder A.Q.M.
and Supt RF & AL Dist No. 9

In accordance with your request I have the honor to state that the above is a copy of account Rendered Capt Flagg of my operations under my contract with Bureau of RF & A.L.

In regard to cutting logs three hands mill easily cut fifty logs per day. fifteen logs per hand was the task for a man under the system of slavery. 

In relation to amt. teams the Mulbery Island Mill has been running at the rate of 100 M ft pr mo. and has been supplied by two yoke of oxen and one pair of horses two carts and three men. The "Capt Wilder" mill has been supplied with logs with four yoke of oxen two carts and three men. The New Ports News mills have been supplied by a train under charge of Waggon Master &c  Am not able

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-27 10:24:04