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Why Mills run by Government have not paid

They are generally run under charge of a Quarter Master some miles away from his immediate supervision- and whose pressing duties in his office forbid him giving the personal attention necessary- in many instances it has been impossible for him to visit Mills under his charge but very rarely

Want of system
Mills thus run- have stopped often for mere trifles- want of some trifling stores- want of a few employees &c- but meagre Reports are made- and if made there is no check that will ensure their accuracy

Want of money
Employees in the Q.M. Dept often wait months for their pay (the ration as now issued being rather short allowance for a man engaged in arduous manual labor) when a man can not get enough provisions to subsist him, he is not in a fit condition to work- This want of money does more to demoralize and render inefficient the services of Employees than any other cause- and will where pursued result inevitably in loss, instead of profit to the Govt- a strict time account should be kept- men receive a fair remuneration for their work, and paid what they actually earn at regular periods- Monthly if not oftener.

Want of facilities for making repairs and procuring supplies