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it of most that was valuable, not a little of the goodly lot of oak beneath which its [[besory?]] groomed is now to be seen- That it be not utterly ruined, the Undersigned would most respectfully beg the arrest of the destruction now allowed, till judicially determined by the District Court of the U.S. before which tribunal the matter of like is now pending.
The Undersigned would respectfully say that he has taken the Oaths under the Amnesty Proclamations of both Mr Lincoln and Mr Johnson; and that he has applied to the President for pardon. Respectfully submitted-
Your Obedt. Servt
L. Y. Winder

Col. O. Brown

The undersigned, a citizen of Elizabeth City County Va, begs leave to state, that he was present at the interview between Mr Winder and Capt Wilder which occurred a few days since, and that the facts above stated, and the complaints above made are substantially true.

Your Obt Servt
R. W. Drewey