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Office Supt. Dist. No. 9
Fort Monroe, Va, Oct. 1st 65

Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr &c. State of Va. 

The communication enclosed is a report in part, in answer to your telegram of Sept 24. dated Lynchburg. 

The plan to rent these lands to the Freedmen is rendered futile from the exhorbitant price asked, namely: eight ($8.00) dollars per acre, a year, and possession of the houses at the end of the year. There are 300 houses on this property, worth, at least, twenty ($20.00) dollars each and upward. 

The representation that he has a right to the houses, because the wood was cut on his land, is not true, for the wood was cut by the military authorities, and he can claim no rights previous to the date of his pardon. The buildings and rent for one year, will be more than equivalent to the full value of the lands.

C.B. Wilder
Capt and A.Q.M. and Supt. R &c.

2 B. 570
Recd S.O. 10.1.65.
Fd. Hd. Qs 10.2.65. 

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