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Office Supt. Dist. No. 9.
Fort Monroe, Va. Oct. 2d, 1865.

Col. O. Brown,
Asst. Comr, Freedmen's Bureau, State of Va.
Richmond, Va.


I have the honor to call your attention to a requisition, "for four (4) Hospital Wards or their equivalent in lumber, to be used for school or other necessary purposes", forwarded to H'd. Qrs. Sept. 15th. and inquire if any action has been had in the matter.  Schools were to commence in Hampton next Monday, but there are no school houses, the Court House, formerly occupied for school purposes, having been given up to the Civil Authorities.

I would respectfully call your attention again to the subject of Stationery.  I have no books in which to open a/c's with the different counties, nor to record anything that transpires.  Copies of letters, endorsements &c. must be made on scraps of paper.  Pens, ink, paper, envelopes, in fact, everything is either borrowed property, or bought with