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driver that could not show that they came rightfully by it.  This would squelch the whole thing but it seems they prefer to trouble you hoping doubtless to make capital out of it with their complaints of stealing, which so far as I can discover is practiced by the poor whites as well as negroes, who will not work, and then charged upon the colored people. A little mutual cooperation on the part of those interested and complaining (as Mr. Smith was desirous, until he was persuaded to adopt another course) is all in my opinion, that is needful.
If you deem it advisable to do more and will so direct, I will apply to General Miles for a mounted detailed man to make it his business to ferret out, and look after the entire region exposed.

I have the honor to be, Colonel
Yr. Obedient Servant.
C. B. Wilder
Capt. & A.Q.M.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-28 12:27:49