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Office Supt. Refugees &c. 9th Dist.,
Fort Monroe, Va., Nov. 20th 1865.

Col. O. Brown.
Asst. Comr Freedmen's Bureau, State of Va., 
Richmond, Va.,


I have the honor to state that I have appointed the following named officers, Asst. Supts. for the counties annexed to their names respectively; to wit.

Lieut. S. G. Shurtleff.  Elizabeth City Co.,
Lieut. A A. Brown.  Matthews and Gloucester Co.'s.
Lieut. L. Kilbrith  New Kent and King William Co's.

The above Officers belong to the 8th Me. Vols. Two more have not yet reported for duty.

The claim of Claiborne Johnson has been placed in the hands of Lieut. Kilbrith for investigation. His report will be forwarded to Hd Qrs as soon as received. It may be delayed several days, however, as there is no direct communication with New Kent Co. by mail,

I am, Colonel,
Very respectfully your ob'dt. serv't,
C. B. Wilder
Capt. and A.Q.M and Supt. 9th Dist.. 

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