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Answer to the foregoing Interrogatories are given by me this twenty third day of February 18th.

To 1st Interrogatory — Yes

to 2nd Interrogatory  The division of the crops raised by the negroes on my farm in 1865 was made under the supervision of an Agent of the Bureau - I consider the division equitable and just, The contract, previous to the division, was submitted to General Harris and by him was considered quite liberal — the negroes having large families which I supported

To 3rd Interrogatory.  About the latter part of last November a disposition to mutiny occurred among the negroes — they claiming they should have one third instead of only one fourth of the crop raised

To 4th Interrogatory  I let a house during the rebellion — some time in 1864 — to a white man by name of Thomas Skinner.

To 5th Interrogatory  Thomas Skinner occupied the house until the latter part of the year 1865 - but I have no knowledge of his leaving it under threats of negroes to burn him out or fears that they would do so. but the negroes

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-27 22:43:31