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Bu RF & AL
Office Supt. West Dist NC
Salisbury Nov. 6. 1866

Resply referred to Bt Major H D Norton Asst Supt. Charlotte N.C. who will please procure the information desired by the Asst Comr of Va and forward to this office.

This paper to be returned.

John R. Edie
Bt Col USA

EB 143

Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Office of Ass't Sup't.
Charlotte, N.C., Nov. 23, 1866.

Respectfully returned, with the information that there is but one Freedman in this Sub Dist. by the name of Aleck Henderson. He resides in Charlotte; is married, has five children, named Rufus, Charlotte, Narcissa, William and Amanda. His wife's name is Charlotte; he has lived with her (50) Fifty years.

Hannibal D. Norton
Bvt Major U.S Vols
Asst Supt.