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Norpole, Va., Nov. 13th, 1865.
Catherine Street Baptist Church
At a very large and respectable meeting of the colored citizens of the county of Norfolk, held pursuant to public notice called by the local superintendent of the Freedmen's Bureau, C.E. Johnston, for the purpose of choosing a representative of the Freedmen's Court.
Wm. Keeling was on motion called to the chair, and T. L. R. Baker was requested to act as Secretary.
The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Benj. Clenny.
The chairman stated the object of the meeting, and at the same time zealously urged the people to a judicious selection of their representative; the chairman spoke emphatically and patriotically, and stated that as this was the first attempt of the colored people to elect a representative, he hoped that they would take hold of the work in earnest and attend to it for the benefit of themselves and the future interests of our beloved country, for the preservation of whose institutions so much blood has been shed and treasure expended.
Mr. T.F. Paige, Jr., made a few wholesome and timely remarks in connection with the object of the meeting, and offered the following resolutions, which was unanimously adopted, viz:
Resolved, That there be chosent eight commissioners to conduct the election about to be held for a representative for the Freedmen's Court, and that the election be conducted by ballot.
The following commissioners were appointed, viz: Jos. T. Wilson, Dr. Thomas Bayne, Edward W. Williams, Thomas F. Paige, Jr., Wm. E. Keeling, Rev. Wm. J. Hodges, Joseph Selden and Solomon Cotton.
The meeting was addressed by Dr. Thomas Bayne, T.F. Paige, Jr., G.W. Cook, and others.
Chaplain H.M. Turner, U.S. A., made eloquent and patriotic remarks, which were highly appreciated and loudly applauded.
On motion, the candidates, B.W. Bond and Calvin Pepper, were requested to address the meeting, which was accordingly done by both candidates.
The election was entered into with the following result:
For Calvin Pepper..................382 votes.
" B. W.Bond,.....................14  "
Majority for Pepper,...........368 "
On motion of Mr. Edward W. Williams, the vote was made unamimous.
The following resolutions offered by Mr. T.F. Paige Jr., were read and unanimously adopted, viz:
Resolved, That Calvin Pepper Esq., be and is unanimously the choice of this meeting as the representative, or member of the Court of the colored people of the county of Narfolk, in the Freedman's Court for said county, to be constituted and organized pursuent to the plan as recommended by General Howard, Superintendent of the Freedman's Bureau, and as set forth in the Circular of Colonel Brown, Assistant Superintendent for the State of Virginia, and that in the absence of equal legal rights before the Courts and Magistrates acting under the laws of the State, we cordially approve of said recommendation and plan, and of the action thus far had thereon for this county, in the appointment by the Freedman's Bureau, of Charles C. Johnson, to represent the Bureau in said Court, and in the appointment by the municipal authorities of William Lamb, to represent the white citizens in said Court, and that we will give to said Court, and its members individually, our obedience, confidence, and respect, and do all in our power to maintain its authority and dignity, and to increase its usefulness.
Resolved, That the unanimity and harmony with which we have selected our representative, notwithstanding persistent attempts to divide and distract us, is of itself evidence that we understand our interests and rights in the selection of our rulers, and that we will judiciously exercise all such powers of choice suffrage or selection as may be conferred upon us.
Resolved, that we give assurance to the community in which we live, and to the National, State and Municipal authorities, that we will continue as heretofore, a peaceable and law-abiding people.
Resolved, That all papers friendly to the cause of liberty and freedom, be requested to give the proceedings of this meeting and insertion. 
The resolutions were received with loud applause. 
The meeting was addressed by Rev. E. W. Williams, who stated that a meeting would be held at said church on next Monday evening at 7 o'clock, at which time a free distribution will be made of the proceedings of the Alexandria, Va., Colored Convention.
A fervent and ardent prayer was offered up by Rev. Mr. Foreman.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
Wm. E, Keeling, Chairman.
T.L.R. Baker, Secretary.
A meeting was held at Portsmonth, (also included in Norfolk County), November 14th, under the same notice, and for the same purpose, as for the Norfolk meeting held the preceeding evening, which was very numerously attended, and protracted to a late hour for full and free discussion. At this meeting Calvin Pepper received three hundred and eighty two votes, and B. W. Bond, on hundred and twenty-two.
The meeting was of absorbing interest throughout, and concluded harmoniously.
E.T. Corprew, Chairman.
J. Wesley Cromwell, Secretary.