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Office Ast. Supt of Freedmen
Louisa C.H, Va Dec. 8th/65

Respectfully referred to Dr. Gillespie with attention called to the endorsement of Col. Brown.
These papers to be returned with desired information

[Heber Perinter?]]
Asst. Supt. of Freedmen

Louisa Dec. 9. 1865

The man Jo referred to, after an absence of more than three months, has returned & promised to take his family, & support them
I consider he owes me for their support  I had sent no word he would pay - but I think he has no means. He by my permission had partly cultivated a small crop of corn [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] in time he owed me, will make about 2 barrels- I claim that, as probably the only pay I will get

Respectfully Yrs
Wm A. Gillespie
