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Aurora Ind June 6" 1865
Cap'n O Brown
Assistant Quartermaster.
For the State of Virginia
For the Sales of abandoned Lands.

Cap'n O. Brown

Dear Sir,
Not having any acquaintances in Richmond, I thought I would write to you for information respecting the abandoned Lands around or near Richmond or on the James River.

I wish to know if there is Land for sale there, and what price can this Land be bought per acre.

If you will be so kind as to answer my inquiries you will confer a lasting favor upon me. I wish to buy Lands or a farm, and convert it into a home, and become a permanent citizen of the State.

I will now copy a notice taken form the New York Herald: which you can tell if it is true (I am so anxious to know.)

"The Herald's Virginia correspondent" says "there is a great chance for Northern immigrants to the Southern States. Lands that could not be purchased for then that $150.00 per acre is now selling at $2.00 and $2.50 per acre. Already there is a plan, with the aid of Northern capitol in course of preparation, whose large estates in Virginia will be cut up in small tracts, with a view to their cultivation by Northern farmers."

I wish you would be so kind as to write immediately after you receive this = and tell if this published account is true. Again I ask as a great favor one of the utmost importance to me. Please write as soon as you see this & give me the desired information. And greatly Oblige yours truly,

Joseph M Groves