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The robbers were both white men and strangers to Tom. every effort has been made to capture them but thus far with-out sucess. Tom's wounds proved slight and he is again at his business

In regard to the man found dead in the streets of this place I learn that he was a most notorious drunkard and died in an Apolictic fit

I find the complant regarding the Teamster greatly exagerated. he was not in the employ of the U.S. Government but was the driver of a coal cart. he was arrested not for cracking his whip but for fast driving thereby breaking one of the town ordinances. he paid his fine one dollar ($1.00) to the Policeman making the arrest rather than go before a Magistrate. The Police & Magistrate have been notified that they have no jurrisdiction in such matters and not to repeat the offense.

The only instance of white children throwing stones at the colored People of Manchester occured when the colored woman who teaches school here first opened her school. on coming out of her school